Thursday, December 17, 2009

I'm kicking 2009 in the nuts!

So long 2009, Hello 2010.

I can’t help but feel rather festive this year…. Why cause 2009 has been a C*$t of a year and I am ready to chill the fuck out with family and friends!

I realised it was a hectic year when I was talking to one of my friends yesterday that I have not spoken to since mid September.
When he asked me what I have been doing I told him my toilet roll list of shit that has happened in the last 3 months.
He finished the conversation by saying “Holy crap emz, I don’t talk to you for 3 months and your life totally changes”.

It is true……

For me I can say the following has happened:

Broke up with Ex
Moved from Melbourne back to Sydney.
Moved in with my parents.
Started Sydney job.
Met my boyfriend.
Moved from my parents to place in Alexandria.
Went on a trip to Melbourne
Sold my car
Sent my son (dog) off to live with another family
Got head-hunted
Had my birthday
Got fucked over by work.
Visited parents in Lismore
Started job at place was head hunted by
Got screwed by flat mates that was living with on bond.
Moved in with boyfriend
Moved our stuff out of our houses (2 houses into studio apartment over 3 weeks in evenings and weekends in a VAN.)
Met Cheech, Kimberley, Sarah, Mookie and the crew.
Helped out the COP girls with photo shoot by sharing my sneaks.
Enrolled into university
The company I was headhunted by changed the goal posts of the business.
Got offered a “casual” sales job
Decided I never wanted to be in recruitment again.
Quit job in recruitment.
Started “casual sales job”
Started uni
Started a second job in retail.
Juggling time between both jobs and uni!!! NUTS

There was lots of shopping, daily drinking of ciders, facebooking, blogging and eating in between….

Along with all of that my boyfriend has done just as much since May….

So I would like to bid farewell to 2009 as it has been a prick of a year and welcome 2010 with open arms.

It couldn’t be more stressful than this year (knock on wood / fingers crossed)!!!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Hi.... I'm Famous

Classy Crim all round...

Thanks Eriks from C.O.P for finding my head (mouth open and all as per usual).

Mad Props to Tough Love NYC.

Mad props to Cheech for bringing me the shirt back from NYC.

Props all round!!!